18 March Canakkale Victory18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferimizin 106. Yılını Kutlarız. Previous Mr. İhsan BEŞER met with Dr. LIU Yuhua, the Undersecretary of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. Next Our Chairman, Mr. İhsan BEŞER visited ATO President Mr. Gürsel BARAN Category News/Announcements Share this post: a b c d j Faydalı LinklerAnkara Çin BüyükelçiliğiPekin BüyükelçiliğiGuanco BaşkonsolosluğuShanghai BaşkonsolosluğuGenel Başkanımız İhsan BEŞERSon Eklenen Yazılar Forum Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Turkey-China Relations – STONE MAGAZINE Our Chairman, Mr. İhsan BEŞER visited ATO President Mr. Gürsel BARAN 18 March Canakkale Victory Mr. İhsan BEŞER met with Dr. LIU Yuhua, the Undersecretary of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. Ceremony of the Third Export Train Departure from Turkey to China and the First Export Train Departure to Russia